John Kohler has been on a raw vegan diet since 1995; he turned to a raw vegan diet for healing from a life threatening-illness (spinal meningitis) and has enjoyed dynamic health ever since. The focus of his research has been in the area of obtaining the highest level of health. One of John’s goals is to educate the world about the power of eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, he does this at John also owns and manages and is the number one expert on juicers in the world. He is widely sought out and regularly speaks and instructs at many health festivals and events. This is a rare opportunity to hear John speak in person, most of his teaching now days is done online - John has over 2400 videos on YouTube and has been viewed over 120 million times. The videos teach about growing and eating a diet centered eating fresh plant foods. In his spare time he likes to garden. John shares his gardening tips and teaches you how to grow your own food at
John Kohler (OkRaw)

Thank you for being available. I watched several of your videos and want to purchase an inexpensive juicer. I live in Las Vegas also and want to visit your garden and grow vegetables, thank you.
how can i get your cook book with out pay pal?
I recently discovered your videos on youtube. They are interesting and informative. Thank you. My husband is starting to compost as we now live in a house in Hawaii and have a garden with fruit trees. Can we use grass clippings if we use weed killers on the grass?