Scott David is an Investigations Associate, assisting with the research and support Compassion Over Killing’s current investigators need to go undercover and expose animal cruelty. He also speaks at events nationwide about his firsthand experiences as a former investigator.
Scott was an undercover investigator for Compassion Over Killing for two years.
His investigative work has offered the first hidden-camera look inside a US lamb slaughterhouse, and at a Hormel supplier slaughter plant, exposed the horrors of a cruel USDA high-speed slaughter pilot program that could be expanded to facilities nationwide. Scott’s investigative video from inside a Mountaire Farms chicken slaughterhouse in North Carolina, exposing shocking animal abuse, was filmed as a dangerous ag-gag law made its way through the state legislature — revealing the dangers of this type of legislation aimed at preventing investigations and whistleblowing.
His footage has shed light on the plight of animals in slaughterhouses across the country, resulting in media headlines from the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, CNN, and more in the US and internationally.
Scott earned his Master’s Degree in Applied Ecology and has worked at an afterschool program, teaching children about animals and the environment.