Dr. Justyna Sanders, MD

Justyna Sanders, M.D., is a California-based Medical Doctor, CEO and Founder of Prescription Lifestyle. She completed her medical training at Poznan University of Medical Sciences and has a B.Sc.Kin. from McMaster University in Kinesiology. Dr. Sanders specializes in lifestyle transformations, is certified in Plant-Based Nutrition, is a keynote speaker, public health researcher and visionary for transforming the field of medicine.

As a visionary and advocate for the field of medicine and the health of humanity, Dr. Sanders created PrescriptionLifestyle.com, whose objective is to provide life-saving information, promote health, wellness and prevention via evidence-based recommendations. She hopes this platform will influence the use of whole plant-based nutrition as medicine, aid in the unification of all prevention-focused evidence-based disciplines of medicine into one system, encourage the use of personalized medicine, focus on "whole-body" health and the underlying cause of disease, but most notably, to revere Lifestyle as Medicine.

Dr. Sanders' sincere hope is that through her work, she will inspire and empower people to take autonomy of their own health and ultimately aid in the transformation of medicine.

WEBSITE:  https://prescriptionlifestyle.com/


Posted on

October 4, 2019

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